Republic Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog: Archive for June, 2019

How Your AC System Works

Monday, June 24th, 2019

It’s summer, so it’s time to start thinking about your AC system. If you want a great AC system you need a great technician for all your services, regular maintenance appointments, and a sound understanding of how your air conditioning system works.

We’ve noticed that homeowners in the Dallas area seem to really hit the nail on the head when it comes to these first two requirements, but fall flat when it comes to the last one. That’s where our educated team of technicians comes in. All our technicians understand the complex inner workings of an air conditioning system and can help you understand the basic framework too. We’re here when you need us! If you’re looking for great air conditioning services in Dallas, TX, schedule an appointment with our team today.

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Having these AC Troubles? It’s Time to Call for Repair

Monday, June 10th, 2019

This is that time of year where air conditioning troubles are likely to rear their ugly head. Make sure you’re paying attention to the quality of your AC. We’ve made it through spring and now the temperatures are steadily heating up here in Dallas. Sometimes your air conditioner just can’t keep up!

If you begin to notice early signs of failure in your air conditioner it’s always a smart idea to contact a professional air conditioning contractor. Our team not only understands your air conditioner in and out, but we also understand the unique conditions here in Dallas that impact your air conditioning system. If you need air conditioning repair in Dallas, TX,make sure we’re the team you call.

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