Republic Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog: Archive for April, 2021

How Bad AC Upkeep Affects Your Home

Monday, April 26th, 2021

Spring is the time of year when you should really take a close look at your home’s air conditioner. We want you to take a moment to reflect. Can you rely on your home’s air conditioner in these upcoming months? If you’re not confident in your answer, then it means that you could benefit from air conditioning repair in Grand Prairie, TX.

It doesn’t matter how long your air conditioner sat dormant throughout the past year, the same problems that you had last summer aren’t just going to miraculously go away. Instead, they might even get worse.

Today, we want to talk about what might happen if you decide to ignore your air conditioning problems and run your system like nothing has happened. Don’t do your home a disservice! Schedule an appointment with us today.

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What’s Short Cycling?

Monday, April 12th, 2021
portrait of Hands of woman holding white paper house

Have you ever had one of those questions that you’re scared to ask? Maybe you feel like everyone else is already up to speed and you don’t want to be the one to ask. We’ve been here, but our technicians are as friendly as they are helpful so there’s never a silly question you can ask us. If you have questions about short cycling you can ask us!

We find that questions surrounding this topic often fall into this category. We’ve mentioned short cycling quite a bit on our blog and it’s a popular topic online. This doesn’t mean that you should just know this knowledge innately though. We’re here to answer your questions today. We’re also here to help you with air conditioning repair in Midlothian, TX should you experience short cycling. Let’s talk through everything you should know below.

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