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How to Help Your Heater Work as Efficiently as Possible

In the winter you may find yourself caught between staying warm or saving on your energy bill. But is it possible to have both? Absolutely! You can help your heater work as efficiently as possible to maintain a comfortable temperature without breaking the bank.

Sometimes that means investing in heating repair in Desoto, TX, if your heater has some problems that need to be addressed. But there are other ways you can save on energy, too. The best way to save is by having a tried-and-true plan in place that you follow. Use these tips to create your own energy-saving plan for winter. 

Outline a Heating Schedule

Ideally, you want to lower the heat settings on your thermostat when you are away from home. This way you aren’t paying to heat an empty house during the workday or while you are on vacation. But it can be difficult to remember to change your heating settings throughout the day.

A programmable thermostat is a great way to create a heating schedule in a way that is “set it and forget it.” You can set a schedule, but a programmable thermostat can also learn from your habits to improve efficiency up to 8% more than if you did so manually. 

Set the Temperature a Little Lower

You want to be warm in the winter, but are you setting your thermostat too high? Your heater can only do so much to heat your home when the temperatures outside are frigid. No matter how cold it is, you shouldn’t set your thermostat any higher than 68°F in the winter. And if you want to save on energy, you can lower this setting even more. 

When you set your thermostat to 58°F while you’re away during the day and while you are asleep at night, you can save 10% on your monthly energy bills. If that temperature is a little to low for your comfort, try lowering the temperature even just a few degrees while you sleep. Every little bit adds up to big energy savings over the course of a year. 

Utilize Other Heat Sources

Your heater isn’t the only way to stay warm in the winter. Let your heater get you part of the way there, but try to meet halfway. Open your windows during the day to let in sunlight and take advantage of natural heat. Spend time in the kitchen while meals are being cooked to maximize heat from your stove or oven. And in the evenings when the sun goes down you can bundle up using sweaters and blankets. 

Change the Air Filter

You may not think of your heater’s air filter as being a contributing factor when it comes to saving energy. But a clogged air filter can block air flow and lead to strain on your heating system over time. Changing the air filter regularly improves your indoor air quality as well as improving heater efficiency. 

Contact Republic Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc, today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. Revolutionizing the Customer Experience.

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