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Serving the Greater Dallas & Ellis County Area

Serving the Greater Dallas & Ellis County Area

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It’s Time to Upgrade Your Air Conditioner

There comes a time in every homeowner’s run with their air conditioner where they’re going to need to upgrade. Has your time come?

Most of the time, we see homeowners drag their feet through this process. We know that we’re the professionals here so you might expect us to come at this with a biased lens, but we really understand why. The overall process can be inconvenient and expensive. Although this is the case with most circumstances, it’s not the case with our team. Call us to request an estimate on AC installations. We’ll let you know how much the process will cost and even get you some preliminary tips. We’re always here to help.

When to Upgrade

Are you unsure if an upgrade is really necessary for your home? We understand. This isn’t a step you want to take haphazardly. It’s a huge step in terms of time, money, and effort, so when you commit to doing something like this, you want to make sure that you’re 100% certain about your decision.

Here are just a few signs that it’s time for you to upgrade your air conditioner:

  • You’ve had your air conditioner for over 10 years
  • You’ve repaired your air conditioner more than once in the past 3 years
  • You have trouble getting your home to cool off
  • You have trouble staying cool
  • You can’t seem to get your home to cool evenly
  • Your air conditioner is loud
  • Your air conditioner short cycles or runs for long periods of time
  • Your air conditioner costs you more and more as time goes on (in both energy bills and repair expenses)

It’s important to remember that not every home is the same. Sometimes your problem might not be so straightforward. If you’re having a significant issue that you don’t see represented on this list above, then it’s worth calling us over it. We’re professionals so we understand all the signs that point to an air conditioner upgrade. We can pinpoint any issue you might have.  

Consider All Your Options

When it comes to an upgrade, we see most homeowners immediately jump from the current air conditioner in their home to an upgraded version of whatever unit they’re used to. We understand why’d you’d do something like this—it’s what you’re familiar with. Although familiarity is important, it’s equally as vital to consider all your options.

Sometimes, you can outgrow the type of air conditioner you have in your home. This is especially true if you’ve expanded your family or added on to your home within the time that you’ve had this last air conditioner. As a home grows, the needs of the space do too. It’s not going to do you much good if you get a newer version of the same model air conditioner you have now in this circumstance. You’ll likely end up with the same issues.

We service central air conditioners, ductless systems, dual fuels system, and heat pumps. We can find what’s perfect for you. Call us today.

Contact Republic Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. today to schedule your appointment for your air conditioning services.

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